
SS 2019

Ethical Fashion Show / Kraftwerk Berlin / 3 - 5 July 2018

Visit us in the impressive halls of Kraftwerks Berlin. We show there the styles of our lines Concepts WomanConcepts Accessories and some selected styles of Concepts Men Design: Bags made of 100% vegetable tanned leathers, organic cotton under sustainable working conditions.

Go to: Ethical Fashionshow Berlin Website

Innatex / Wallau / 28 - 30 July 2018

Meet us at Innatex – the world’s largest fair for sustainable products. We show there the styles of our lines Concepts WomanConcepts Accessories and some selected styles of Concepts Men Design: Bags made of 100% vegetable tanned leathers, organic cotton under sustainable working conditions.

Go to:  Innatex Website

Ambiente / Frankfurt / 8 - 12 February 2019

At Ambiente Frankfurt we show Concepts Woman, and Concepts Accessories line and selected bags of Concepts Men.
In a second booth we show the latest designs of our brand dothebag.

Go to:  Ambiente Frankfurt Website

ILM / Offenbach am Main / 1 - 3 September 2018

Erleben die Welt der Taschen und Accessories auf der traditionellen internationalen Offenbacher Lederwarenmesse. Dort präsentieren wir auf rund 60 qm die Vintage Linie zusammen mit ausgewählten Modellen der Concepts Men Linie.

zur ILM Offenbach Webseite